

Research Advance

  • 科技奖励
  • 代表性学术论文
  • 专利技术
  • 学术专著
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  • [1] H Wang*, C Huang, D Liu, F Zhao, H Sun, F Wang, C Li, G Kou, M Ye. Fume transports in a high rise industrial welding hall with displacement ventilation system and individual ventilation units. Building and Environment, 2012,52:119-128.

    [2] H Wang*, C Huang, Z Liu, G Tang, Y Liu, Z Wang. Dynamic evaluation of thermal comfort environment of air-conditioned buildings. Building and Environment, 2006,41:1522-1529.

    [3] Z Liu*, X Li, H Wang, W Peng. Performance comparison of air source heat pump with R407C and R22 under frosting and defrosting. Energy Conversion & Management, 2008,49:232-239.

    [4] D Liu*, F Zhao*, H Wang. Passive heat and moisture removal from a natural vented with a massive wall. Energy, 2011,36:2867-2882.

    [5] H Wang*, Z Wang, G Kou, C Liu. Numerical simulation and experimental study on thermal stratification phenomenon in large space building. Journal of Central South University, 2007, 14:61-65.

    [6] H Wang*, G Kou, Z Wang, C Liu. Large eddy simulation of isothermal airflow field in large space with multi-jet. Journal of Central South University, 2007, 14:35-38.

    [7] J Zhou, G Zhang*, Y Lin, H Wang. A new virtual sphere method for estimating the role of thermal mass in natural ventilated buildings. Energy and Buildings, 2011,43:75–81.

    [8] F Wang, Z Liu, C Treeck, H Wang*, W Tang, G Kou. Heat and hazardous contaminant transports in ventilated high-rise industrial halls. Journal of Central South University, 2015,22: 2106-2118.

    [9] D Xie*, H Wang, K.J Kearfott, Z Liu, S Mo. Radon dispersion modeling and dose assessment for uranium mine ventilation shaft exhausts under neutral atmospheric stability. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2014, 129:57–62.

    [10] D Xie*, Y Wang, H Wang, S Mo, M Liao. Numerical analysis of temperature non-uniformity and cooling capacity for capillary ceiling radiant cooling panel, Renewable Energy, 2016(87):1154-1161.

    [11] D Xie*, M Liao, K.J Kearfott. Influence of environmental factors on indoor radon concen tration levels in the basem ent and ground floor of a building. Radiation Measurements, 2015(82):52-58.

    [12] D Xie*, M Liao, H Wang, K.J Kearfott. A study of diurnal and short-term variations of indoor radon concentrations at the University of Michigan, USA and their correlations with environmental factors. Indoor and Built Environment, 2016,(1): 1-12.

    [13] D Xie*, H Wang, K.J Kearfott. Modeling and experimental validation of the dispersion of 222Rn released from a uranium mine ventilation shaft. Atmospheric Environment, 2012,(60): 453-459.

    [14] Y Tan*, D Xiao, Q Zhou, Q Tang, J Shan, K kearfott. A simple design concept for elimination of the impact of humidity on radon measurements using electrostatic collection. Stochastic Envionmental Research&Risk Assessment, 2015,30(8):2303-2308.

    [15] Y Tan*, D Xiao, H Yuan, J Shan. A method to simultaneously and continuously measure the 222Rn and 220Rn exhalation rates of soil in an open loop. Radiation Measurements, 201450(4):531-537.

    [16] J Hu, X Ren, D Liu, F Zhao*, H Wang. Conjugate natural convection inside a vertical enclosure with solid obstacles of unique volume and multiple morphologies. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2016,95:1096-1114.

    [17] X Ren, J Hu, D Liu, F Zhao*, X Li, H Wang. Combined convective heat and airborne pollutant removals in a slot vented enclosure under different flow schemes: Parametric investigations and non unique flow solutions. Applid Thermal Engineering, 2016,94:159-169.

    [18] D Liu*, F Zhao*, H Yang, G Tang. Theoretical and experimental investigations of thermoelectric heating system with multiple ventilation channel. Applied Energy, 2015,159:458-468.

    [19] Y Wang*, J Kuckelkorn, F Zhao, D Liu, A Kirschbaum, J Zhang. Evaluation on classroom thermal comfort and energy performance of passive school building by optimizing HVAC control systems. Building and Environment, 2015,89:86-106.

    [20] H Zhu, H Wang*, Z Liu. Effects of real and simulated weightlessness on the cardiac and peripheral vascular functions of humans: A review. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 2015,28:793–802.

    [21] H Zhu, H Wang*, Z Liu, G Kou, C Li, D Li. Experimental study on the variations in human skin temperature under simulated weightlessness. Building and Environment, 2017,118,135-145.

    [22] H Zhu*, H Wang*, Z Liu*, G Kou, C Li. Experimental study on the human thermal comfort based on the heart rate variability (HRV) analysis under different environments. Science of the Total Environment, 2018,616:1124-1133.

    [23] H Zhu, H Wang*, C Yu, Z Liu. Effects of simulated weightlessness on thermal sweating of human body: An experimental study. Indoor and Built Environment, 2018,28(01):88-99.

    [24] Y Tan*, D Xiao*, Q Tang, J Shan*, Q Zhou, B Feng. Research on the perturbation phenomenon while tracing the radon concentration in real time. Stochastic Environmental Research, 2014,29(3):755-760.

    [25] G Peng*, D Ding, F Xiao, L Wang, N Hun, Y Wang, Y Dai, Z Cao. Adsorption of uranium ions from aqueous solution by a mine-group functionalized magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticle. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2014,301:781–788.

    [26] 单健, 肖德涛, 赵桂芝, 周青芝, 刘彦, 丘寿康, 孟冶成, 熊信明, 刘小松, 马文荣. NRL-1型测氡仪的绝对湿度效应研究. 原子能科学技术, 2014,48(09):1706-1711.

    [27] 刘福东, 潘自强, 刘森林, 张永贵, 冀东, 王春红. 建筑材料氡析出率变化. 原子能科学技术, 2009,3:271-274.

    [28] 单健, 刘晓翔, 肖德涛, 刘卫, 刘彦. 大气颗粒物中210Pb的活度-粒径分布测量. 原子能科学技术, 20134(9):1707-1711.

    [29] 单健, 刘彦, 肖德涛, 夏正海, 张陆雨, 李学平, 唐妍. 衡阳市大气颗粒物中210Po的活度-粒径分布测量. 核电子学与探测技术, 2014,34(08):958-962.

    [30] S Chen, Y Wang, Y Chen, X Tang, J Cao, M Li, X Wang , Y Zhu, Y Huang. Dual-channel detection of metallothioneins and mercury based on a mercury-mediated aptamer beacon using thymidine-mercury-thymidine complex as a quencher. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015(151):315-321.

    [31] Z Huang, N Xie, X Zheng, X Gao*, Xg Fang, Y Fang, Z Zhang, Experimental and numerical study on thermal performance of Wood’s alloy/expanded graphite composite phase change material for temperature control of electronic devices, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 135: 375-385.

    [32] Z Huang, N Xie, Z Luo, X Gao*, X Fang, Y Fang, Z Zhang, Salt hydrate/expanded vermiculite composite as a form-stable phase change material for building energy storage, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018, 179: 152-160.

    [33] Z Huang, Z Luo, X Gao*, X Fang, Y Fang, Z Zhang, Preparation and thermal property analysis of Wood’s alloy/expanded graphite composite as highly conductive from-stable phase change material for electronic thermal management, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 122: 322-329.

    [34] Z Huang, D Zhai, X Gao*, T Xu, Y Fang, Z Zhang, Theoretical study on effective thermal conductivity of salt/expanded graphite composite material by using fractal method, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 86: 309-317.

    [35] Z Huang, X Gao*, T Xu, Y Fang, Z Zhang, Thermal property measurement and heat storage analysis of LiNO3/KCl - expanded graphite composite phase change material, Applied Energy, 2014, 115: 265-271.

    [36] S Feng, X Li, F Jiang, et al. A nonlinear approach for time-dependent settlement analysis of piles. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2017, 54(1):7-16.

    [37] S Feng, L WEI, C HE, et al. A computational method for post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation considering soil creep effect.Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21: 2921−2927.

    [38] H Li, L Wei, S Feng*, et al. Time eff ect of pile-soil interaction and its elastic-viscoplastic constitutive model. Rudarsko geološko naftni zbornik, 2019, 1~12.

    [38] S Feng, X Li, S Wang, et al. Dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio of aeolian soils. Electron. J. Geotech. Eng. 2016, 20(25): 12113-12120.

    [39] S Feng, L Wei, Q He, et al. Elastic-viscoplastic constitutive modeling of soilstructure interface. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, 19(M): 2829-2838.

    [40] Y Sui, R Ding, H Wang. An Integrated Management System for Occupational Health and Safety and Environment in an Operating Nuclear Power Plant in East China and Its Management Information System. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 183, 261-271.

    [41] Y Guo, H Wang, L Mao, et al. Rare Earth Lanthanum Doped Nano Composite Films as Efficient Preservation Materials for Fruits and Fungi. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 2018, 10(9): 1321-1328.

    [42] Y Guo, L Huo, "Study on Packaging Performance of PE Film Coated Ce4+/Nano-TiO2"//4th International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering, 2015: 497-501.

    [43] Y Guo, L Huo, “Study on PE/Inorganic Nano-Antibacterial Packaging Material”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015,731: 365-368.


    [45]***, 李铖骏, 易辉. 室内空气颗粒物成分及来源分析[J]. 建筑热能通风空调, 2016, 35(4):24-26.

    [46] Y Mao.; Z Wang.; H.-F. Wang and P Hu., “Understanding Catalytic Reactions over Zeolites: A Density Functional Theory Study of Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOX by NH3 over Cu-SAPO-34”, ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 7882.

    [47] Y Mao.; Z Wang.; H.-F. Wang and P Hu., Theory and applications of surface micro‐kinetics in the rational design of catalysts using density functional theory calculations, WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 2017, 7: e1321.

    [48] Y Mao.; J.-F Chen.; H.-F. Wang and P Hu., “Catalyst screening: Refinement of the origin of the volcano curve and its implication in heterogeneous catalysis”, Chin. J. Catal. 2015, 36, 2374-2380.

    [49] Y Mao.and P Hu., “Achieving accuracy and efficiency at the same time: a new kinetic Monte Carlo approach for complicated catalytic systems”, Sci. China Chem. 2018, 61, 1479

    [50] Y Mao.; H.-F. Wang and P Hu, “Theoretical investigation of NH3‐SCR processes over zeolites: A review”, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2015,115, 618.

    [51] L Yin, Z Zeng, Z Qiu, H Mei, L Zhang, Y Zhang, Linear stability analysis of thermocapillary flow in a slowly rotating shallow annular pool using spectral element method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016,97:353-363.

    [52] H Zhu, H Wang, D Li, et al. Evaluation of the Human Thermal Comfort under Simulated Weightlessness: An Experimental Study Based on the Power Spectrum Analysis of the Heart Rate Variability, Microgravity Science and Technology, 2019.3.5, 31(1): 73-83.

    [53] H Zhu, H Wang, C Yu, et al. Effects of simulated weightlessness on thermal sweating of human body: An experimental study. Indoor and Built Environment, 2019,28(1):88-99.

    [54] H Zhu, H Wang, Z Liu, et al. Experimental study on the human thermal comfort based on the heart rate variability (HRV) analysis under different environments, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 616: 1124-1133.

    [55] H Wang, H Zhu, C Yu. Development of the Hunan’s Provincial Key Lab for prefabricated buildings for energy conservation at the University of South China. Indoor and Built Environment, 2018,27(8):1017-2021.

    [56] H Zhu, H Wang, Z Liu, et al. Experimental study on the variations in human skin temperature under simulated weightlessness. Building and Environment, 2017,117:135-145.

    [57] H Zhu, H Wang, Z Liu. Effects of real and simulated weightlessness on the cardiac and peripheral vascular functions of humans: A review. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 2015,28(5):793-802.

    [58] H Zhu, H Wang, G Kou. Experimental study on the heat transfer enhancement by Dean Vortices in spiral tubes. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 2014, 5(3):317-326.