


祝贺隋阳博士的论文被国际期刊 Journal of Cleaner Production 接收(SCI)

来源:本站发布时间:2019-05-07 07:30:10作者:admin点击次数:492

In order to implement the integration management of the occupational health and safety and environment (OHSE) in an operating nuclear power plant (ONPP) in East China and help it pass the OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 certifications simultaneously rather than separately, an integrated management system (IMS) for OHSE in the ONPP consisting of the occupational health and safety and environment management manual (OHSEMM) and its supportive documents was established to cover the OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 standards and IAEA's safety standards on management systems. The management information system for the IMS for the ONPP in East China (MISIMSONPPEC) consisting of the core zone, which includes the information-sharing platform (ISP) and the functional management system (FMS), client and background system was designed for the first time by using browser/server (B/S) structure to overcome the difficulties in implementing the IMS. The applications of the MISIMSONPPEC in the ONPP show that it helped to share and statistically analyze the OHSE data and information from the IMS, to improve the cooperation between departments, to enhance the efficiency of management, and to pass the OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 certifications simultaneously rather than separately; and it helped accomplish the integration management of the OHSE in the ONPP.

Keywords: Operating Nuclear Power Plant; Integrated Management System; Occupational Health and Safety and Environment; Management Information System; Information-sharing Platform

上一篇:祝贺朱辉博士的论文被 Microgravity Science and Technology 接收(SCI)