


祝贺谢东教授的论文被 Indoor and Built Environment 接收 (SCI)

来源:本站发布时间:2018-05-11 02:43:36作者:admin点击次数:405

The capillary ceiling radiation cooling panel (C-CRCP) is a newly developed terminal device for air conditioning to provide indoor thermal comfort for occupants and to save energy. In this paper, numerical modelling of a room with a C-CRCP system was used to analyze radiant heat transfer under non-steadystate conditions. Experiments were conducted in an environmental chamber to verify simulation results. The chamber was equipped with a C-CRCP, which was covered with gypsumboard. The results showed that the inlet water temperature had a significant influence on ceiling surface temperature. The ceiling surface temperature and the steady-state time were increased with higher inlet water temperature. A vertical gradient in indoor air temperature was found. Ceiling surface temperature and indoor air temperature were increased with an increase in inlet air temperature. The energy supply rate of the radiant panel had a positive correlation with chilled water velocity. The amount of radiation was double the amount of convection, and the thickness of the gypsumboard had virtually no effect on the proportions of radiation and convection. The model was considered validated since the maximum relative errors between experimental data and simulation results of inlet water temperature and supply air conditions were within 10%.

上一篇:祝贺郭韵恬博士的论文被 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 接收
下一篇:祝贺朱辉博士的论文被 Microgravity Science and Technology 接收(SCI)